Need for CFIB Organisation
Crime Free India Bureau(CFIB) is and independent and patriotic media agency constituted by patriotic journalists in 1997, specifically for the noble cause of social upliftment and national security. This organization has introduced a unique concept of journalism at the level of common man for the purpose of fighting crime corruption and terrorism effectively.
Need for CFIB Organisation
When India attained independence, our constitution makers made constitution according to the situations/problems the were prevalent at that particular time. Further, the constitution was more on the basis of previous acts, such as government of India. Act. 1919, Government of India Act, 1935, etc. That were made under the british regime and in this way, was for from the ground realities of India. Gradually, Indian politics became corrupt and polluted and noble values, ethics, principles that guided our freedom struggle and were supposed to be followed in independent India were left aside and capitalism, corruption, , corridors of power violence, selfishness started gaining importance. National interest was totally ignored. Problems of illiteracy and unemployment worsened the situation. The result is before us. Due to all these things, organization at public level that impartially function at ground level to improve the conditions of society and nation are urgently required.
CFIB is the owner of “Crime Free India” & “Media Force” namely two esteemed news papers duly registered by Press Registrar, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Govt. of India and CFIB is also legally certified by RNI Govt. of India as an organization against crime & corruption, Further raising voice against malpractice is the fundamental right of media as media is considered to be the fourth estate in democracy.
Therefore, CIFB has the same rights & area of functioning that are conferred on the media by constitution.
Crime Free India Bureau(CFIB) is and independent and patriotic media agency constituted by patriotic journalists in 1997, specifically for the noble cause of social upliftment and national security. This organization has introduced a unique concept of journalism at the level of common man for the purpose of fighting crime corruption and terrorism effectively.