Crime Free India Bureau
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  Pdf Download Application Form
  1. Fulfilling the condition of minimum limit of membership such as 100 members for state branch, 25 for district level branch and 15 for Thana level branch and 21 for ward level branch is the prime necessity.

  2. Submission of letter of place of office & photo, road map group photo along with CFIB branch office banner.

  3. Submission of NOC of place of office & photo, road map & group photo along with CFIB branch office banner.

  4. Submission of memorandum of association from all the members, along with their signatures, containing expression of intent for the same.

  5. Deposition of officials training fee (lump-sum) according to the status of branch.

Note: Every branch level have Different designations list, Kindly contact with CFIB H.Q.

Daily Update
Former  President of India
She Extends her warm greetings & felicitations
to all those associates with the Bureau & congratulate the Bureau for its work.
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